Letter of Information

Legislation/IssuesSynopsisResourcesNew This Week/Upcoming Dates
SB 153 - Maryland Department of Transportation - Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Awareness, Training, and Response Requiring the Maryland Department of Transportation to develop and implement a certain training program for certain transportation-sector employees, taxicab drivers, and transportation network operators on the identification and reporting of suspected child exploitation and human trafficking; requiring certain transportation-sector employers to establish procedures for reporting suspected child exploitation and human trafficking to certain entities; etc. SB 153

Hearing 1/31 at 1:00 p.m. (1/15)
SB 661 (HB 707) - Public Safety - Law Enforcement - Use of Body-Worn Cameras Altering certain provisions of law to require a certain law enforcement agency to require the use of body-worn cameras, subject to a certain policy, by each sworn law enforcement officer, regardless of rank, employed by the law enforcement agency while the officer is in uniform, in public, and conducting law enforcement related duties. SB 661

HB 707

Hearing 2/21 at 1:00 p.m. (1/31)

Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m. (2/10)
SB 1006 - Hospitals - Medical Debt Collection - Sale of Patient Debt Authorizing a hospital, under certain circumstances, to sell the medical debt of patients if the debt is sold to a governmental unit or an entity that is under contract with the unit for the purpose of canceling the debt; requiring that a hospital's financial policy require the hospital to dismiss actions pending against a patient for the collection of debt that was sold and prohibit the hospital from engaging in specified collection activities; requiring a purchaser of medical debt to notify the patient of certain information; etc. SB 1006

Third Reading Passed (114-20) (4/8)
SB 1023 (HB 1279) - Maryland Building Performance Standards - Fossil Fuel Use, Energy Conservation, and Electric- and Solar-Ready Standards (Better Buildings Act of 2024) Requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to adopt, on or before certain dates and as part of the Maryland Building Performance Standards, a requirement that new buildings meet all water and space heating demands of the building without the use of fossil fuels, energy conservation requirements, and an electric- and solar-ready standard for certain buildings; etc. SB 1023

HB 1279

Hearing 3/04 at 1:00 p.m. (2/28)

Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m. (2/9)
SB 1071 (HB 1155) - Hospitals - Opioid Overdose and Opioid-Related Emergency Medical Conditions - Treatment Requiring hospitals to establish and maintain certain protocols and capacity related to the treatment of patients who are being treated for an opioid-related overdose or opioid-related emergency medical condition; requiring hospitals to make a referral for patients who are diagnosed with opioid use disorder or administered or prescribed medication for opioid use disorder to an appropriate provider to voluntarily continue treatment in the community and work with peer support professionals for a certain purpose; etc. SB 1071

HB 1155

Approved by the Governor - Chapter 886 (5/16)

Approved by the Governor - Chapter 885 (5/16)
HB 148 - Department of Transportation - Human Trafficking Awareness, Training, and Response (See Someone, Save Someone Act) Requiring the Maryland Department of Transportation to develop and implement a certain training program for certain transportation-sector employees on the identification and reporting of human trafficking victims; requiring, by January 1, 2025, and each January 1 thereafter, employers to certify that all their employees have completed the training; requiring employers to provide a new employee with the required training within 90 days after the date of hire; requiring employers to establish certain reporting procedures; etc. HB 148

Reassigned to Judicial Proceedings (3/25)
HB 784 - Task Force on Reducing Emergency Department Wait Times Establishing the Task Force on Reducing Emergency Department Wait Times to monitor, discuss, and make recommendations for reducing emergency department wait times including legislative, regulatory, or other policy initiatives; and requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by January 1, 2026. HB 784

Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m. (2/9)
HB 1143 - Emergency Medical Services - Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission - Establishment Establishing the Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission to address factors throughout the health care system that contribute to increased emergency department wait times; authorizing the Commission to request data from certain entities; and requiring the Commission, beginning November 1, 2025, to report annually to the Governor and General Assembly on its activities and findings including updates on the development, impact and, implementation of the recommended programs on emergency department wait times. HB 1143

Approved by the Governor - Chapter 844 (5/16)